My adjustment to motherhood was not easy, mostly because I had such a different vision of what motherhood would be and who my son would be as a baby. He would be a sleeper and I would be superwoman able to get it all done. I would be one of those mothers who makes organic baby food and takes her easy going child everywhere. Ah... rose colored glasses. Or perhaps first time mother syndrome?
I've slowly learned to embrace it all.
The good.
The bad.
The ugly.
Mostly because what choice did I have?
Even during my overwhelming moments I still had a baby to nurse, a diaper to change, or a cry that needed a cuddle.
But bottom line, I wasn't the mother I wanted to be because my baby wasn't the baby I thought he'd be. Does that make sense? I HATED the baby stage oh so much. The give and give and give that a baby demands was almost too much for me.
But I realize now was that during the baby stage I was laying the foundation.
Malone is now a toddler morphing into a preschooler he is exactly who I thought he'd be. He is smart and curious, full of adventure and funny. He wants to go on adventures and read books.
So, I'm finally feeling like the mother I was meant to be. I can do all of these things, and I can do them well. Even during those moments of toddler turning three power struggles and limit testing, I shine as a mother.
But a part of me feels so guilt for hating the baby stage so much.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Spring Bucket List
Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind.We've already had a heat streak with temps in the upper 80's but now it is cold again with a lot of wind. I am afraid that April showers might actually be April snowstorms.
In any case, Spring is here, or at least that is what my calendar says. So, I've decided to make a bucket list of things to do this spring. I wonder how many I'll be able to check off my list.
Spring 2012 Bucket List.
Family Goals
In any case, Spring is here, or at least that is what my calendar says. So, I've decided to make a bucket list of things to do this spring. I wonder how many I'll be able to check off my list.
Spring 2012 Bucket List.
Family Goals
- Renew our seasonal park passes. We usually get a State Park pass as well as a pass to a nearby park that has mini golf, two great playgrounds, a splash pad, a train, bumper boats, and lots of tables to picnic at.
- Take Malone on a hike. I am not a hiker so this will be out of my comfort zone a bit. However, Mike loves to hike. Also, I am afraid of ticks which are everywhere out here.
- Go on at least four outings/play dates with another family.
- Attend church on a regular basis as family.
- Have a monthly date with my husband.
- Start taking my friends up on their babysitting swap offers.
- Plan an overnight date with my husband.
- Complete the Couch to 5k running plan.
- Run a 5k
- Blog more three times a week.
- Become more intentional with my spare time.
- Complete 3 craft projects.
- Buy a sewing machine.
- Learn how to use my new camera.
- Deliver more meals to those new mamas, those in crisis or sick, or those who just would enjoy a night of not having to cook.
- Take a day trip to Boston.
- Take a day trip to NYC.
- Plan our summer beach trips to the Cape.
- Plan our next visit back to my hometown in Illinois.
- Start a compost bin. We don't have a yard or garden to use for compost but recently I learned I can take compost to Whole Foods.
- Research and purchase biodegradable trash bags.
- Get smarter about meal planning. Freeze more meals.
- Cull through the clutter.
- Have a tag sale.
- Create a household binder.
- Decorate the Master Bedroom.
- Start planning Malone's 3rd birthday party.
- Start a savings plan to get Mike's fancy road bike he's been dreaming about.
- Get Malone fully comfortable using the potty 100% of the time during the day (we're so close).
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Catch up.
It isn't that I meant to be silent for the last 24 days, there were so many times I wrote a post in my head. But the act of getting to this space and getting it out was always at the bottom of my to do list.
On March 2nd a large band of tornadoes swept through the country. And it seems like every other day, or at least once a week there are a few more. Tornadoes destroy homes and lives. I work in the insurance industry. Work has been quite busy, to say the least.
About a week after that, I took my first jog of spring. My run was going really well, I was proud of myself for getting out there and getting started again. Until an unfortunate run in with a small stone or stick that brought me to the ground in my neighbor's drive way about a half a mile from home. Said neighbor had to scoop me up and drive me up while my ankle swelled the size of a golf ball. It is still not better, but it is getting there.
And then we welcomed daylight savings. Anyone with a child knows what a potential train wreck that can be in terms of sleep patterns etc. Malone transitioned like a champ but somehow I'm still tired.
Next came a visit from Meme for St. Patrick's day weekend, followed by an illness that knocked my husband to his knees for about two days. He's just now feeling a bit better. Maybe?
In a nutshell, things are busy around these parts. Life is full, hectic, and amazing.
I desire this space. It is mine. And getting here is at the TOP of my list, starting today.
But, excuse me while I log into work and play a little catching up while no one is in the office to interrupt me.
On March 2nd a large band of tornadoes swept through the country. And it seems like every other day, or at least once a week there are a few more. Tornadoes destroy homes and lives. I work in the insurance industry. Work has been quite busy, to say the least.
About a week after that, I took my first jog of spring. My run was going really well, I was proud of myself for getting out there and getting started again. Until an unfortunate run in with a small stone or stick that brought me to the ground in my neighbor's drive way about a half a mile from home. Said neighbor had to scoop me up and drive me up while my ankle swelled the size of a golf ball. It is still not better, but it is getting there.
And then we welcomed daylight savings. Anyone with a child knows what a potential train wreck that can be in terms of sleep patterns etc. Malone transitioned like a champ but somehow I'm still tired.
Next came a visit from Meme for St. Patrick's day weekend, followed by an illness that knocked my husband to his knees for about two days. He's just now feeling a bit better. Maybe?
In a nutshell, things are busy around these parts. Life is full, hectic, and amazing.
I desire this space. It is mine. And getting here is at the TOP of my list, starting today.
But, excuse me while I log into work and play a little catching up while no one is in the office to interrupt me.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
March 1.
On March 1st five years ago, my world was changed forever. I was woken up from a dead sleep to my cell phone ringing. I didn't get the call in time. When I heard it ringing again, I knew something was really wrong. I don't remember who drew the short straw in my family that day. I don't think it was my grandmother and if I had to guess today, I'd say that it was my Uncle Jeff.
She was gone.
My mother had died.
I was living in New England. Everyone else, including my mother was in my hometown in Illinois.
We would later learn she died of alcohol poisoning. She was an alcoholic and I had noticed it was getting worse when I was home in January. She was trying hard to be sober while I was home. My eyes couldn't help but see her hands shake as we looked for wedding inspiration ideas at Michaels.
She was really excited about getting to play her role as mother of the bride in August. I remember the joy she felt as she gave her opinion on bridesmaids dresses. I wanted my girls to pick something they felt comfortable in. Each choose a dress that was different but within the same color scheme.
I had already picked out my dress and it was on order. But while we were at the bridal boutique she said "This one is like yours, try it on just for fun." I did. And she looked at me with beautiful tears in her eyes and told me what a beautiful bride I would be. It was the only time she would get to see me in a wedding dress.
After hearing the news of her death, I immediately went into shock. But just for a moment. They say that your best qualities come out during tragedy. Mine are organization and leadership.
I called my boss. It was early morning. He was an older gentleman with a sweet soul. I still remember his words.
"Say it ain't so, NJ. Say it ain't so."
But it was. I told him we were leaving for the airport. And I didn't know when I'd be back. I hoped there would still be a job for me to come back to. But I understood if business needs couldn't support it. I'd be back when I was ready to be a functional person again. Two weeks later, I wouldn't say that I was functioning. But at least I was managing.
The flight home was not without drama. The airport was in the middle of a remodel and the ticketing desk was at one end of the airport but the make shift security line was at the other. The line was long. We were not going to make it. I made it know that we NEEDED to get through ASAP, my mother had just died and we had to get to our family waiting for us. We made our flight, by the skin of our teeth.
When we finally got to my grandmother's house there were family friends and close family waiting. Word travels fast in a small town. Everyone was in shock. No one knew what to say, so they didn't really say anything.
One thing that really surprised me was the strength and love I felt from my friend Tim's dad. Tim was in my graduating class and committed suicide as a result of PTSD after returning home safely from a tour in Baghdad. A father without a son, comforting a daughter without a mother.
People filed in and out over the next few days.
Food came.
Flowers and plants came.
Arrangements were made.
I found the decisions to be very difficult. I wasn't sure on which hymns she would have wanted sung. I didn't know if she'd want communion. We had never talked about it. The only thing I knew was that she wanted to be cremated. My grandparents and uncles kept saying "it's your decision, you decide." But I didn't know what she wanted. So I tried to read their minds to figure out what they wanted the service to be like. After all, their world had been crushed too.
The next few days went by with a blur. We welcomed more friends. Memories were shared. Tears were shed.
We had the service.
I delivered a funny and beautiful eulogy.
People thought it was strange that I was so held together.
I didn't.
Someone had to hold us together.
I promised my husband I would address my feelings as they came up.
A few weeks after I got home, they did.
5 years later, they still do sometimes.
Its strange. I mostly feel like she was jipped.
It wasn't until after she passed that I really started to blossom into the person I wanted to be.
I grew up and out of the "wandering" years that are your early twenties.
I left my job in retail and got a position in a company I'm madly passionate about.
I got married and and a child.
I found some my of the best friends in the entire world.
I miss her the most when I look at Malone. He is a spitting image of me, and I of her. I can't give him a bath. It makes me miss her too much. It is such a mundane task but makes me think of her. Of all of the times she sat by my bath, caring for and nurturing me.
There are times when the grief hits me like a wave slamming my body against the shore.
But there is no place to go but forward.
Second by second.
Minute by minute.
Hour by hour.
Day by day.
She was gone.
My mother had died.
I was living in New England. Everyone else, including my mother was in my hometown in Illinois.
We would later learn she died of alcohol poisoning. She was an alcoholic and I had noticed it was getting worse when I was home in January. She was trying hard to be sober while I was home. My eyes couldn't help but see her hands shake as we looked for wedding inspiration ideas at Michaels.
She was really excited about getting to play her role as mother of the bride in August. I remember the joy she felt as she gave her opinion on bridesmaids dresses. I wanted my girls to pick something they felt comfortable in. Each choose a dress that was different but within the same color scheme.
I had already picked out my dress and it was on order. But while we were at the bridal boutique she said "This one is like yours, try it on just for fun." I did. And she looked at me with beautiful tears in her eyes and told me what a beautiful bride I would be. It was the only time she would get to see me in a wedding dress.
After hearing the news of her death, I immediately went into shock. But just for a moment. They say that your best qualities come out during tragedy. Mine are organization and leadership.
I called my boss. It was early morning. He was an older gentleman with a sweet soul. I still remember his words.
"Say it ain't so, NJ. Say it ain't so."
But it was. I told him we were leaving for the airport. And I didn't know when I'd be back. I hoped there would still be a job for me to come back to. But I understood if business needs couldn't support it. I'd be back when I was ready to be a functional person again. Two weeks later, I wouldn't say that I was functioning. But at least I was managing.
The flight home was not without drama. The airport was in the middle of a remodel and the ticketing desk was at one end of the airport but the make shift security line was at the other. The line was long. We were not going to make it. I made it know that we NEEDED to get through ASAP, my mother had just died and we had to get to our family waiting for us. We made our flight, by the skin of our teeth.
When we finally got to my grandmother's house there were family friends and close family waiting. Word travels fast in a small town. Everyone was in shock. No one knew what to say, so they didn't really say anything.
One thing that really surprised me was the strength and love I felt from my friend Tim's dad. Tim was in my graduating class and committed suicide as a result of PTSD after returning home safely from a tour in Baghdad. A father without a son, comforting a daughter without a mother.
People filed in and out over the next few days.
Food came.
Flowers and plants came.
Arrangements were made.
I found the decisions to be very difficult. I wasn't sure on which hymns she would have wanted sung. I didn't know if she'd want communion. We had never talked about it. The only thing I knew was that she wanted to be cremated. My grandparents and uncles kept saying "it's your decision, you decide." But I didn't know what she wanted. So I tried to read their minds to figure out what they wanted the service to be like. After all, their world had been crushed too.
The next few days went by with a blur. We welcomed more friends. Memories were shared. Tears were shed.
We had the service.
I delivered a funny and beautiful eulogy.
People thought it was strange that I was so held together.
I didn't.
Someone had to hold us together.
I promised my husband I would address my feelings as they came up.
A few weeks after I got home, they did.
5 years later, they still do sometimes.
Its strange. I mostly feel like she was jipped.
It wasn't until after she passed that I really started to blossom into the person I wanted to be.
I grew up and out of the "wandering" years that are your early twenties.
I left my job in retail and got a position in a company I'm madly passionate about.
I got married and and a child.
I found some my of the best friends in the entire world.
I miss her the most when I look at Malone. He is a spitting image of me, and I of her. I can't give him a bath. It makes me miss her too much. It is such a mundane task but makes me think of her. Of all of the times she sat by my bath, caring for and nurturing me.
There are times when the grief hits me like a wave slamming my body against the shore.
But there is no place to go but forward.
Second by second.
Minute by minute.
Hour by hour.
Day by day.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
This is what....
When I saw them run by today, I was excited. When I saw them stroll by in the lobby after the their race, I was thrilled because I knew I'd have a chance to take Malone to meet them. This is what I want Malone to remember about this day.
Dear Malone,
This is what determination looks like.
Today Daddy finished his first half marathon. This was a goal he has been working towards for over a year. He has made his dream come true through hard work and perseverance. He spent many nights running by head lamp after you were in bed and many of his lunch hours on the dreadmill. He did it without sacrificing time he could have spent with you. There were days when he didn't want to lace up his shoes and get out there, but he didn't give up. He pushed on to work through it.
This is what hard work looks like.
This is what love looks like.
His parents were advised to put him in a mental institution.
But instead, they fought for him. They fought for him to accepted as part of their community- to go to school, to learn, to dream, to live his best life.
When Dick learned that Rick wanted to run, he set out to make that dream come true. He worked hard, pushing Rick in a special wheel chair.
One foot in front of the other.
At their first race, they came in second to last place.
But they didn't give up. And they haven't.
This year they will cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon for the 30th time. They have also competed in several triathlons- thinking outside of the box to find a way to make those dreams come true.
There will come a time when you will admire a professional athlete or singer. You may not ever remember meeting Team Hoyt today. But I want you to remember the lessons they teach us.
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things too.
People of ALL abilities have the power to inspire us and to do great things.
If you have a dream, you can make it happen. You may have to think outside of the box to get there. But Daddy and I will be here to help you the best we can.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Last week, things were good. Malone slept through the night several nights in a row. My morning hour was fruitful. Even though I was getting less sleep, I felt energized from having an hour in the morning to myself. I spent it working on this blog- writing, reading your blogs, commenting, and returning comments. Mike and I squeezed in a couch date during the weekend.
This week, things are different. Not bad, just different. Malone's sleep all over the place again. He is no longer reliably sleeping through the nights and he is waking early. Today's power hour lasted 15 minutes before I was interrupted by him.
Malone is shifting again and needing more from both of us. He is begging for more connection and yearns for more time at home. I want to give it to him. As a nurturer style parent, I will give it to him. But, in order to do that, I have to shift again too. It will mean moving from where I am most comfortable- out and about with him experiencing the world one toddler step at a time. It will mean mustering the energy for a power hour post bed time and knowing that it is likely the precious time in the morning will be uninterrupted just long enough to get my basis morning needs met.
Teeth Brushed.
My husband pointed out to me that I never like these shifts. He is right. Just when something seems to fall into place, everything changes again leaving me feeling anxious and unsettled.
I am letting these feelings marinate. I know their roots.
The thing is, that big beautiful things come from shifts like this. And looking back on life things always fall into perfect place
We cannot stay the same and grow at the same time.
This week, things are different. Not bad, just different. Malone's sleep all over the place again. He is no longer reliably sleeping through the nights and he is waking early. Today's power hour lasted 15 minutes before I was interrupted by him.
Malone is shifting again and needing more from both of us. He is begging for more connection and yearns for more time at home. I want to give it to him. As a nurturer style parent, I will give it to him. But, in order to do that, I have to shift again too. It will mean moving from where I am most comfortable- out and about with him experiencing the world one toddler step at a time. It will mean mustering the energy for a power hour post bed time and knowing that it is likely the precious time in the morning will be uninterrupted just long enough to get my basis morning needs met.
Teeth Brushed.
My husband pointed out to me that I never like these shifts. He is right. Just when something seems to fall into place, everything changes again leaving me feeling anxious and unsettled.
I am letting these feelings marinate. I know their roots.
The thing is, that big beautiful things come from shifts like this. And looking back on life things always fall into perfect place
We cannot stay the same and grow at the same time.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Saturday's Story Behind The Picture
Here is today's Saturday's Story Behind the Picture.
Malone and I are in my hometown (which is quite small) and at the annual wiffleball tournament organized by one of the families.
Malone and I have flown in from the East Coast by ourselves. Mike is joining us for the second half of the trip. He couldn't get a ton of time off. When he arrives, Malone will be baptized into the church that is a cornerstone of my family- my grandparents have been members for the better part of 40 years, my parents were married there, I was baptized there, and we were married there.
The flight out was rather uneventful. We breezed through security. Malone slept and nursed. He didn't fuss much. There were no poo explosions on the plane. I have fit all of our things into a suitcase and a carry on. We will use our cloth diapers while we are here. I am excited to show them to my family as they have changed so much.
While I am home, I have an amazing conversation with my elderly grandmother about cloth diapers. I learn from her that disposable diapers were just beginning to become available when she was raising children. The reason she used cloth diapers was because she was unsure of how well disposables actually worked, felt guilty about throwing them away, and thought they were too expensive. She will tell me my mother felt the same way and also chose cloth diapers. I look her in the eye and tell her those are the same reasons I'm choosing cloth.
I didn't bring a stroller or much gear along. I have preferred to wear Malone, than use a stroller. This was a bit of a surprise for me, I didn't expect to fall in love with baby wearing. I am thankful that we talked ourselves out of the $700.00 Uppa Baby Vista stroller. Everything that I need for this trip has been borrowed (car seat, pack and play, stroller so my relatives can take Malone for a walk.
Malone is about 10 weeks old. His hair is red, which is lovely. It reminds me of my mom, who also had red hair. I am wearing him in a Sakura Bloom Linen Sling. This is really the first time that I've worn him forward facing. He likes it well enough, but seems to get overstimulated very easily.
At the tournament I run into just about everyone I know, friends of mine as well as my mother's friends. It is great to see some old friends. My mother's friends are happy to see us, but I sense their underlying grief. They are sad she isn't here to witness the joy of Malone. She passed away before I got married. It was sudden.
They mean well, but it's not coming out right.
We don't stay at the tournament long- just long enough to see and be seen. I don't want to be sad today.
She is gone.
He is here.
I have to hold it together. He needs me.
Besides, it is windy and getting chilly.
Friday, February 17, 2012
This week has gone by in SUCH a blur and too quickly for my taste. But it is the Friday of a long weekend and I am thrilled! Malone and I are off on Monday for President's Day and are already anticipating a "date" day filled with his friends and my mama friends.
In preparation for this InstaFriday, I went looked through my phone and realized the majority of the photos I take are of my son. While this is well and good, there are other beautiful things in my world that I want to capture besides just him. This week, I made a concentrated effort to capture a more of my entire world.
This french macaroon was the breakfast of champions on Sunday. Even better, it was made by my friend Nick who bakes at co-op. I stopped there on Sunday morning to pick up a few things for a Blessingway I was on my way to. (this article explains pretty well what a Blessingway is, if you're wondering).

As I came out of the co-op, I looked down and knew the day was going to be extraordinary. I have never come across double lucky pennies found on the ground.
The Blessingway was beautiful. While I was not the guest of honor, I was honored to be a guest. The ceremony involved each attendee presenting the mama with a bead, a story behind the chosen bead, and wishes for her labor, delivery, journey into motherhood as a mama of two, or transition of her first child into big sister. It was lovely and a wonderful way to spend a sunny Sunday morning.
Meme (aka my mother in law) was hear this weekend and enjoyed tons of time with Malone, including a nap. We'd love to have more of her in our life, but she lives a three our drive away.
We made heart shaped crayons for Valentine's Day. They were very easy to do and the Crayolas melted beautifully. I loved that we could all work on this together, Mike and I peeled the crayons and Malone broke them. This activity was all over Pinterest this year. My pin was originally from The Long Thread. On the home front, celebrated Valentine's Day the way we always do without gifts or cards, but with Chinese take out.

Malone woke up super early one day this week. Literally, seconds after I woke up for my hour of me time (which I have found and is working out amazingly). I was defeated. On this particular day, I NEEDED this hour. BADLY.
But when Mike also woke up early, I realized that if we hustled we could have a breakfast date! We had a great time together and good food. It was a nice change of pace and I felt my grumpy shift into happy This picture cracks me up- Malone is drinking strawberry milk out of a to go coffee cup (best impromptu sippy cup ever). He has is cars lined up in a very specific order that only he understands.

Malone's love for books is continuing to blossom. He wants to take a book with him almost everywhere he goes. This was on the way to daycare after breakfast our breakfast date.

On a dinner time play date, Malone was excited to play with a play laptop. I was excited to catch up with my friend. Win win for everyone.
In preparation for this InstaFriday, I went looked through my phone and realized the majority of the photos I take are of my son. While this is well and good, there are other beautiful things in my world that I want to capture besides just him. This week, I made a concentrated effort to capture a more of my entire world.
As I came out of the co-op, I looked down and knew the day was going to be extraordinary. I have never come across double lucky pennies found on the ground.
The Blessingway was beautiful. While I was not the guest of honor, I was honored to be a guest. The ceremony involved each attendee presenting the mama with a bead, a story behind the chosen bead, and wishes for her labor, delivery, journey into motherhood as a mama of two, or transition of her first child into big sister. It was lovely and a wonderful way to spend a sunny Sunday morning.
Malone woke up super early one day this week. Literally, seconds after I woke up for my hour of me time (which I have found and is working out amazingly). I was defeated. On this particular day, I NEEDED this hour. BADLY.
But when Mike also woke up early, I realized that if we hustled we could have a breakfast date! We had a great time together and good food. It was a nice change of pace and I felt my grumpy shift into happy This picture cracks me up- Malone is drinking strawberry milk out of a to go coffee cup (best impromptu sippy cup ever). He has is cars lined up in a very specific order that only he understands.
Malone's love for books is continuing to blossom. He wants to take a book with him almost everywhere he goes. This was on the way to daycare after breakfast our breakfast date.
On a dinner time play date, Malone was excited to play with a play laptop. I was excited to catch up with my friend. Win win for everyone.
I'm linking up today with Jeanett at Life Rearranged
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Sibling Angst.
My entire life I have longed for a sibling. No matter how many extra hours I work, how creative I am, or how much money I save, it is one of the only things in life that I cannot obtain or work hard to achieve. I have a wonderful sister in law and brother in law, but it just isn't the same as someone with whom I've shared whole life with.
Because of this, I am (my husband too) 100% committed to attempting to have more children and/or adopting. We are starting to think about trying again, probably in the fall. If all goes as well as it did the last time, and we conceive quickly again, our children would be about 4 years apart. A good age, far enough a part to have different friends but close enough to play well together. The same number of years apart as my mother and her brothers.
It is not hard to notice Malone is getting very independent. He travels well, he is ridiculously obedient, he does well eating out. I can read while he plays by himself on the floor or is engaged in an art project. Planning a girls night out doesn't involve the thoughts of pumping.
In short, the days of him needing me 100% of the time are ending.
And I have a chance to find a piece of me again. The piece that I lost when I was so entrenched in the world of baby. For the first time in a long time, I am planning things for me. Independent of him.
I am so committed to giving Malone a sibling. I desire it with heart of hearts.
But I hate the baby stage, oh so much. The constant need it puts on my mind and my body. I'm not a baby person. I'm just not.
I am a toddler/preschool person. I've known since my days as a nanny. Yes, totally all the way in awe of the learning, the singing, the exploration, the speech, and the imagination.
And I can't get this quote out of my mind. I heard it this weekend at a production of The Vagina Monologues that my friend Tara was in.
"My vagina helped release a giant baby. It thought it would be doing more of that. It's not. Now, it wants to travel..." Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues
Because of this, I am (my husband too) 100% committed to attempting to have more children and/or adopting. We are starting to think about trying again, probably in the fall. If all goes as well as it did the last time, and we conceive quickly again, our children would be about 4 years apart. A good age, far enough a part to have different friends but close enough to play well together. The same number of years apart as my mother and her brothers.
It is not hard to notice Malone is getting very independent. He travels well, he is ridiculously obedient, he does well eating out. I can read while he plays by himself on the floor or is engaged in an art project. Planning a girls night out doesn't involve the thoughts of pumping.
In short, the days of him needing me 100% of the time are ending.
And I have a chance to find a piece of me again. The piece that I lost when I was so entrenched in the world of baby. For the first time in a long time, I am planning things for me. Independent of him.
I am so committed to giving Malone a sibling. I desire it with heart of hearts.
But I hate the baby stage, oh so much. The constant need it puts on my mind and my body. I'm not a baby person. I'm just not.
I am a toddler/preschool person. I've known since my days as a nanny. Yes, totally all the way in awe of the learning, the singing, the exploration, the speech, and the imagination.
And I can't get this quote out of my mind. I heard it this weekend at a production of The Vagina Monologues that my friend Tara was in.
"My vagina helped release a giant baby. It thought it would be doing more of that. It's not. Now, it wants to travel..." Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Saturday's Story Behind The Picture
I've changed my mind about doing Saturday's Story Behind The Picture on the first and third Saturday of the month. Mostly, because I don't know I will remember which Saturday to post and which to leave off.
Without further ado, here is today's Saturday Behind The Picture.

We are at the Boston Children's Museum in their 3 and under room. Even though it is a bit of a drive from our house (an hour and a half), we've been coming at least once a week for the last few weeks. It is early August and hot. The museum and car ride have air conditioning, our house doesn't. The travel to and from the museum is perfect. I catch a car nap on both ways.
Every time.
Without fail.
Malone is about 14 months, give or take. We spend most of our time today in the 3 and under room. We are in the gated off area designated for crawlers. Malone is walking, but there are no crawlers using the space right now. And when there are we either leave or ask if they mind if we stay.
They never seem to mind.
This window is where we spend most of our time today. Malone has recently discovered the joy of pointing and it seems like he is always pointing at something. Today he is very interested in the people strolling along the river or dining al fresco. Every one in awhile, a boat comes by. That seems to be what pleases him most of all.
You can't really see his outfit well, but it is a green and white striped one piece shortie outfit from Baby Gap. I purchased it on super clearance the summer he was born, taking a risk on that the size would work out. The size is 12-18 months. My long and lean child has plenty of room in this, despite having on a cloth diaper.
I have set the ball rolling at work and they are looking for a full time position for me to return to, after being a SHAM and working part time.
I'm already mourning the loss of this kind of day. The one where I wake up and decide to take Malone to the museum.
Just because we can.
Without further ado, here is today's Saturday Behind The Picture.
We are at the Boston Children's Museum in their 3 and under room. Even though it is a bit of a drive from our house (an hour and a half), we've been coming at least once a week for the last few weeks. It is early August and hot. The museum and car ride have air conditioning, our house doesn't. The travel to and from the museum is perfect. I catch a car nap on both ways.
Every time.
Without fail.
Malone is about 14 months, give or take. We spend most of our time today in the 3 and under room. We are in the gated off area designated for crawlers. Malone is walking, but there are no crawlers using the space right now. And when there are we either leave or ask if they mind if we stay.
They never seem to mind.
This window is where we spend most of our time today. Malone has recently discovered the joy of pointing and it seems like he is always pointing at something. Today he is very interested in the people strolling along the river or dining al fresco. Every one in awhile, a boat comes by. That seems to be what pleases him most of all.
You can't really see his outfit well, but it is a green and white striped one piece shortie outfit from Baby Gap. I purchased it on super clearance the summer he was born, taking a risk on that the size would work out. The size is 12-18 months. My long and lean child has plenty of room in this, despite having on a cloth diaper.
I have set the ball rolling at work and they are looking for a full time position for me to return to, after being a SHAM and working part time.
I'm already mourning the loss of this kind of day. The one where I wake up and decide to take Malone to the museum.
Just because we can.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Search For My Hour.
This morning I set out trying to find the extra hour I spoke about yesterday.
I tried to find it last night, but by 9:00 pm I just don't have it in me to really make productive use of time. I found myself making popcorn and zoning out to bad tv. I hope to shift the use of that hour too- maybe to reading or crafting. But for now, it is what it is.
My alarm went off at 5:00 am and I laid in bed for a good ten minutes trying to peel myself out. It was cozy, but I want and need this extra time.
The house is so quiet and perfect. I am afraid that at any second Malone is going to wake up and my time will be done. My focus will have to shift away from me and back to motherhood. So far, so good. He should be up in about 30 minutes which means that I will actually have found an hour and a half.
I am proud of myself for not wasting this time. It is precious. I have been intentional with most of it. Facebook only got 5 minutes of it. The other 55 minutes were spent returning comments, visiting your blogs, and reading entries/commenting from Shell's PYHO.
I will finish up this post and use the last few minutes to work on getting my master cleaning plan into a printable word document. I love lists and I need to be able to cross things off as I go. The complete master copy will go in my household management binder that I am attempting to create.
I don't have all of the answers and I am already seeing flaws/changes to make to this process. But I am enjoying the fruit that this intentional work is already starting to bear.
I tried to find it last night, but by 9:00 pm I just don't have it in me to really make productive use of time. I found myself making popcorn and zoning out to bad tv. I hope to shift the use of that hour too- maybe to reading or crafting. But for now, it is what it is.
My alarm went off at 5:00 am and I laid in bed for a good ten minutes trying to peel myself out. It was cozy, but I want and need this extra time.
The house is so quiet and perfect. I am afraid that at any second Malone is going to wake up and my time will be done. My focus will have to shift away from me and back to motherhood. So far, so good. He should be up in about 30 minutes which means that I will actually have found an hour and a half.
I am proud of myself for not wasting this time. It is precious. I have been intentional with most of it. Facebook only got 5 minutes of it. The other 55 minutes were spent returning comments, visiting your blogs, and reading entries/commenting from Shell's PYHO.
I will finish up this post and use the last few minutes to work on getting my master cleaning plan into a printable word document. I love lists and I need to be able to cross things off as I go. The complete master copy will go in my household management binder that I am attempting to create.
I don't have all of the answers and I am already seeing flaws/changes to make to this process. But I am enjoying the fruit that this intentional work is already starting to bear.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I used to see the weekend as a time to play catch up on the things that were neglected all week around the house. This past Saturday however, I took a look around. There wasn't a space in my house I could go where my eyes didn't immediately dart to areas to clean and spaces to declutter. I felt cagey and anxious. I was snippy with my husband and stressed out.
Something needed to change ASAP.
I spent the rest of the weekend taking time to write down every single chore/housework task that needs to happen on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I wrote down projects that need to be completed. I made a list of things to put on Craigslist. I finally took the time to make a budget that balances to zero each month. I made a meal plan for the week.
When I had all of the data right in front of me, I was shocked to see how much there is to really do.
I want to do this for me, so that I won't be a crazy stressed out basket-case. But even more than that, Malone deserves to live in a clean and well organized space. Mike deserves a peaceful environment.
I'm trying really hard to make sure all of the daily tasks as well as a few of the weekly ones are accomplished each day. I'm keeping the laundry moving. Mike is pitching in too.
I'm finding I still need an hour or so more than what I currently have and working to find it. I will find it.
But for now, I am enjoying being underwhelmed by it all.
Something needed to change ASAP.
I spent the rest of the weekend taking time to write down every single chore/housework task that needs to happen on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I wrote down projects that need to be completed. I made a list of things to put on Craigslist. I finally took the time to make a budget that balances to zero each month. I made a meal plan for the week.
When I had all of the data right in front of me, I was shocked to see how much there is to really do.
I want to do this for me, so that I won't be a crazy stressed out basket-case. But even more than that, Malone deserves to live in a clean and well organized space. Mike deserves a peaceful environment.
I'm trying really hard to make sure all of the daily tasks as well as a few of the weekly ones are accomplished each day. I'm keeping the laundry moving. Mike is pitching in too.
I'm finding I still need an hour or so more than what I currently have and working to find it. I will find it.
But for now, I am enjoying being underwhelmed by it all.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Misadventures in the darkest hour.
Each night, Malone tends to end up in our bed sometime between midnight and 5:00 am. There is usually a one in four chance that either Mike or I will take a few kicks to the rib by his tiny little feet or he'll show up with some random treasure from his room.
Last night was no exception. He crawled up into our bed right around 3:00 am, bringing his Kleen Kanteen water bottle and wicked cough with him. He had a hard time setting into our space and was playing a really sweet game of "I want my water, here I'm done, I want it back, no take it." This went on for a half hour or so before I realized four things.
1. The water is probably helping to sooth his throat.
2. No one was going to get any sleep if Malone stayed in bed with us.
3. His water bottle was almost empty.
4. It is cold, dark, and I do not want to get out of bed to remedy #2 or #3.
I get out anyway, realizing quality sleep is more important.
So, here we are standing next to my bed at 3:30 am. I am thinking "I am SO SMART, my water bottle is here. I can just unscrew his water bottle and pour some of my water into his bottle. This is the BEST IDEA EVER."
Did I mention it is pitch black?
The pour goes well. I screw the cap of Malone's Kleen Kanteen on. I am even more impressed with myself. I mentally give myself a high five.
Then, I decide I should test out the Kleen Kanteen to make sure the lid is screwed on properly.
I hold out my hand and pour.
I do not realize that Malone is standing right underneath my hand.
It is still pitch black, remember?
The cap is not screwed on properly after all.
Malone is now a little wet and hysterical.
So much for not waking Michael up during this process and getting Malone to sleep in his room in a timely manner.
I try screwing the lid on (again in the dark) a few more times. Something isn't lining up right. I need light.
I take Malone into his room and tell him I'll be right there. I don't want to fully wake him up (as if the water didn't already do that!).
I go to the kitchen and stumble for the light.
Ahh.. it has two different screw sections. Who knew. One to seal the lid and one for the interchangeable tops.
Back to Malone's room I go. The cap is tight.
He's still mad. He's sitting up, crying hysterically.
"Are you angry at me?"
He's so worked up he's short of breath. "Yyyyyyeah. I'm mmmmmmad."
"I'm sorry buddy. I poured the water on your by mistake. It was an accident. Okay?"
"Do you want new jammies on?"
They're not super wet. Mostly because the water hit his head.
"Nnnnnooo. I waaaaaaaant my water."
I hand it to him and he takes a small sip. He's calmed down a little bit.
"There is no more left, Mama."
Oh, for Pete's sake.
Toddler logic is going to kill me. He knows the water poured out but he didn't see or hear me put more in when I was in the kitchen dealing with the blasted cap.
I don't want to fight about this one. Pick your battles right?
"Okay buddy, I will go and fill it up. You stay here."
Back to the kitchen I go, to "fill up" an already full water bottle.
I turn the faucet for a second to prove that I'm filling it.
I come back and hand it to him. He has calmed down, but asks for a tissue.
I am so smart. I anticipated this need while I was kitchen 2.75 seconds go.
I wipe his nose. I tell him I'm sorry one last time.
He reaches for my hand.
And we both fall back asleep.
Last night was no exception. He crawled up into our bed right around 3:00 am, bringing his Kleen Kanteen water bottle and wicked cough with him. He had a hard time setting into our space and was playing a really sweet game of "I want my water, here I'm done, I want it back, no take it." This went on for a half hour or so before I realized four things.
1. The water is probably helping to sooth his throat.
2. No one was going to get any sleep if Malone stayed in bed with us.
3. His water bottle was almost empty.
4. It is cold, dark, and I do not want to get out of bed to remedy #2 or #3.
I get out anyway, realizing quality sleep is more important.
So, here we are standing next to my bed at 3:30 am. I am thinking "I am SO SMART, my water bottle is here. I can just unscrew his water bottle and pour some of my water into his bottle. This is the BEST IDEA EVER."
Did I mention it is pitch black?
The pour goes well. I screw the cap of Malone's Kleen Kanteen on. I am even more impressed with myself. I mentally give myself a high five.
Then, I decide I should test out the Kleen Kanteen to make sure the lid is screwed on properly.
I hold out my hand and pour.
I do not realize that Malone is standing right underneath my hand.
It is still pitch black, remember?
The cap is not screwed on properly after all.
Malone is now a little wet and hysterical.
So much for not waking Michael up during this process and getting Malone to sleep in his room in a timely manner.
I try screwing the lid on (again in the dark) a few more times. Something isn't lining up right. I need light.
I take Malone into his room and tell him I'll be right there. I don't want to fully wake him up (as if the water didn't already do that!).
I go to the kitchen and stumble for the light.
Ahh.. it has two different screw sections. Who knew. One to seal the lid and one for the interchangeable tops.
Back to Malone's room I go. The cap is tight.
He's still mad. He's sitting up, crying hysterically.
"Are you angry at me?"
He's so worked up he's short of breath. "Yyyyyyeah. I'm mmmmmmad."
"I'm sorry buddy. I poured the water on your by mistake. It was an accident. Okay?"
"Do you want new jammies on?"
They're not super wet. Mostly because the water hit his head.
"Nnnnnooo. I waaaaaaaant my water."
I hand it to him and he takes a small sip. He's calmed down a little bit.
"There is no more left, Mama."
Oh, for Pete's sake.
Toddler logic is going to kill me. He knows the water poured out but he didn't see or hear me put more in when I was in the kitchen dealing with the blasted cap.
I don't want to fight about this one. Pick your battles right?
"Okay buddy, I will go and fill it up. You stay here."
Back to the kitchen I go, to "fill up" an already full water bottle.
I turn the faucet for a second to prove that I'm filling it.
I come back and hand it to him. He has calmed down, but asks for a tissue.
I am so smart. I anticipated this need while I was kitchen 2.75 seconds go.
I wipe his nose. I tell him I'm sorry one last time.
He reaches for my hand.
And we both fall back asleep.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Satruday's Story Behind The Picture
I've decided that I am going to start blogging through old pictures on the first and third Saturdays of each month. I'd like to remember the story or emotions behind and write them down before I forget. Also, it will weave a nice history/legacy for our family.
This is Malone in February of 2011. He is almost 20 months old. We're on a play date with some of his friends at a place called Universal Kids where there are slides, ball pits, things to climb on/in, and dramatic play stations(Kitchen, Space, Dr.'s Office, etc)

He's wearing one of my favorite outfits from this "stage". He didn't get to wear it too often because I deemed it too nice to wear to daycare. The tiniest traces of baby are still left in his cheeks.
He was shyly confident that day. He was excited to see his friends and play but stuck close by me. We are still trying to find our rhythm as I went from full time SHAM to a working mama just a few months before. We are nursing ASAP when he gets home from daycare. I don't regret the change I've made for my family, but I wonder if I will in years to come. I am despite to see my friends (the mamas of his friends) today. I've gone from seeing them several times a week to squeezing in a weekend date, if I'm lucky.
Today, I was lucky. My batteries were recharged through play with Malone and conversation with my tribe.
This is Malone in February of 2011. He is almost 20 months old. We're on a play date with some of his friends at a place called Universal Kids where there are slides, ball pits, things to climb on/in, and dramatic play stations(Kitchen, Space, Dr.'s Office, etc)

He's wearing one of my favorite outfits from this "stage". He didn't get to wear it too often because I deemed it too nice to wear to daycare. The tiniest traces of baby are still left in his cheeks.
He was shyly confident that day. He was excited to see his friends and play but stuck close by me. We are still trying to find our rhythm as I went from full time SHAM to a working mama just a few months before. We are nursing ASAP when he gets home from daycare. I don't regret the change I've made for my family, but I wonder if I will in years to come. I am despite to see my friends (the mamas of his friends) today. I've gone from seeing them several times a week to squeezing in a weekend date, if I'm lucky.
Today, I was lucky. My batteries were recharged through play with Malone and conversation with my tribe.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Seasons of LOVE.
There is no escaping the fact that February is the designated month for LOVE. You can't go to the supermarket, drug store, or department store without being bombarded with images of hearts, roses, and candy. The Valentine's Day Grinches out there will tell you that this is a made up holiday designed to get you to purchase unnecessary things to prove your love for someone.
I on the other hand, love this time of year- like a newborn baby riding a kitten over a rainbow bridge love. I've signed Malone up for a handmade Valentine swap with other families in our Valley, my lot of vintage Valentine cards just arrived from Ebay (let the decorating begin!), I have plans with the girls to go support our friend performing in a local production of the Vagina Monologues, and Mike and I will celebrate the way we always do, with take out Chinese and an On Demand Movie of whatever we missed in the theater.
This year, the season for love is extra special. My IRL friend, Tamara Like Camera and some of her bloggie friends are hosting a Comment Love Challenge. Participating is simple- link up and comment away (keeping track of course). There is a pretty sweet prize to be won, but you'll have to read all about it and the challenge details on Tamara's page. Even if you don't win, chances are you'll get to know some great bloggers and maybe even gain a friendship or two!

I on the other hand, love this time of year- like a newborn baby riding a kitten over a rainbow bridge love. I've signed Malone up for a handmade Valentine swap with other families in our Valley, my lot of vintage Valentine cards just arrived from Ebay (let the decorating begin!), I have plans with the girls to go support our friend performing in a local production of the Vagina Monologues, and Mike and I will celebrate the way we always do, with take out Chinese and an On Demand Movie of whatever we missed in the theater.
This year, the season for love is extra special. My IRL friend, Tamara Like Camera and some of her bloggie friends are hosting a Comment Love Challenge. Participating is simple- link up and comment away (keeping track of course). There is a pretty sweet prize to be won, but you'll have to read all about it and the challenge details on Tamara's page. Even if you don't win, chances are you'll get to know some great bloggers and maybe even gain a friendship or two!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Unworking From Home.
I spent the better part of the day today not at work. Malone woke up with a goopy eye and a nose full of snot. I signed on for a few hours this morning to respond to some emails, check in with my bosses, and to coordinate coverage while Malone and Daddy had breakfast. One of the best parts of working from home full time, is well working from home after all.
Usually, Mike is on the hook for all of the sick kid days since he has 3.5 times more vacation, sick, and personal days than I do. But today, he is also out of commission with a wicked cold.
The sick day rules were in full effect. Malone stayed in his pajamas all day, the apple juice was free flowing, and Cailou was shown on demand. He had the best time.
I, on the other hand, struggled to remain present. I know I'm probably not the first mother (working or SHAM) to ever feel this way, but honestly there are just not enough hours in my day. And today I felt the compulsive need to clean, organize, and do laundry since I had the extra time available. I had to constantly reign myself back in from feeling like I was "wasting" it and instead focus on caring for and hanging out with Malone.
A visit to the doctor this afternoon revealed exactly what I was hoping would not be the case- pink eye aka conjunctivitis, aka a pain in the rear. Malone has to have 24 hours of eye drops in his system before he can return, lest he spread it to all of his carrier monkey friends at daycare.
So, at least I'll get to try again tomorrow.
I'm linking up today with Shell at Things I Can't Say.
Usually, Mike is on the hook for all of the sick kid days since he has 3.5 times more vacation, sick, and personal days than I do. But today, he is also out of commission with a wicked cold.
The sick day rules were in full effect. Malone stayed in his pajamas all day, the apple juice was free flowing, and Cailou was shown on demand. He had the best time.
I, on the other hand, struggled to remain present. I know I'm probably not the first mother (working or SHAM) to ever feel this way, but honestly there are just not enough hours in my day. And today I felt the compulsive need to clean, organize, and do laundry since I had the extra time available. I had to constantly reign myself back in from feeling like I was "wasting" it and instead focus on caring for and hanging out with Malone.
A visit to the doctor this afternoon revealed exactly what I was hoping would not be the case- pink eye aka conjunctivitis, aka a pain in the rear. Malone has to have 24 hours of eye drops in his system before he can return, lest he spread it to all of his carrier monkey friends at daycare.
So, at least I'll get to try again tomorrow.
I'm linking up today with Shell at Things I Can't Say.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
A take away.
Yesterday morning I learned someone I once knew passed away after a battle with cancer.
She left two very small children and her husband behind.
We were coworkers ages ago at a fashion forward boutique and casual friends. She left after having her first child and came back to work part time- picking up a shift here or there. Most of the time she lent her creative talents to design the windows or help with merchandising. We never really pursued a relationship outside of work but were friendly when we ran into each other outside of work and in our community after we both moved on from working at the boutique.
We had lost touch, I had no idea she was really sick until a mutual contact hosted a benefit on her website to raise money for her medical treatments.
I didn't realize how much of an impact K had on my parenting choices until I started to reflect on our relationship.
K was the first mama I ever observed nursing in public. My young (not yet even married or thinking about kids self ) did even know that breastfeeding was something people still did, let alone in public for the world to see. Her quiet confidence about nursing opened my eyes to a mama path that I myself later chose when I had Malone.
I have a distinct memory of K dressing the windows with her baby on her back. Before this moment of observation, I had always thought that you had to use a stroller or carry your baby in your arms. I had no idea a baby could be "worn." Wearing her baby seemed like a natural idea to K and eventually, to me too.
I wish that I would have pursued more of a friendship with K than just our causal work friendship that stayed within the confines of that boutique. I wonder what else I could have learned from her. And for her family and friends who are mourning her loss, I wish peaceful memories of reflection.
She left two very small children and her husband behind.
We were coworkers ages ago at a fashion forward boutique and casual friends. She left after having her first child and came back to work part time- picking up a shift here or there. Most of the time she lent her creative talents to design the windows or help with merchandising. We never really pursued a relationship outside of work but were friendly when we ran into each other outside of work and in our community after we both moved on from working at the boutique.
We had lost touch, I had no idea she was really sick until a mutual contact hosted a benefit on her website to raise money for her medical treatments.
I didn't realize how much of an impact K had on my parenting choices until I started to reflect on our relationship.
K was the first mama I ever observed nursing in public. My young (not yet even married or thinking about kids self ) did even know that breastfeeding was something people still did, let alone in public for the world to see. Her quiet confidence about nursing opened my eyes to a mama path that I myself later chose when I had Malone.
I have a distinct memory of K dressing the windows with her baby on her back. Before this moment of observation, I had always thought that you had to use a stroller or carry your baby in your arms. I had no idea a baby could be "worn." Wearing her baby seemed like a natural idea to K and eventually, to me too.
I wish that I would have pursued more of a friendship with K than just our causal work friendship that stayed within the confines of that boutique. I wonder what else I could have learned from her. And for her family and friends who are mourning her loss, I wish peaceful memories of reflection.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I wasn't expecting this.
3 years ago when we moved here (just over the mountain from our old town), we agreed that living here was temporary. This place wasn't even really on our radar, but the rental we found was amazing and suited our needs to a tee.
The city itself isn't as desirable as some of the neighboring towns- the crime rate is higher, the schools are not known to be the best or even second best in the area. There are a lot of run down houses and old factories, signs that the times have changed. The word "inner city" is sometimes used.
But, little by little I have really fallen in love with my city. My neighborhood and neighbors are amazing. The city is rich with history and tradition. The population is diverse.
Recently, a new mayor was elected. He has such a fresh vision for change and a plan that I really can get behind. Good things are happening here.
We are dreaming about buying a house. Sometimes, I like to look to see what is available. And lately, I just can't see leaving our neighborhood.
I wasn't expecting this.
I'm linking this up with Shell over at Things I Can't Say and her wonderful Tuesday Meme, Pour Your Heart Out.
The city itself isn't as desirable as some of the neighboring towns- the crime rate is higher, the schools are not known to be the best or even second best in the area. There are a lot of run down houses and old factories, signs that the times have changed. The word "inner city" is sometimes used.
But, little by little I have really fallen in love with my city. My neighborhood and neighbors are amazing. The city is rich with history and tradition. The population is diverse.
Recently, a new mayor was elected. He has such a fresh vision for change and a plan that I really can get behind. Good things are happening here.
We are dreaming about buying a house. Sometimes, I like to look to see what is available. And lately, I just can't see leaving our neighborhood.
I wasn't expecting this.
I'm linking this up with Shell over at Things I Can't Say and her wonderful Tuesday Meme, Pour Your Heart Out.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
I'm linking up today with Life Rearranged to share the week in review, Instagram style.

I took Malone to the shoe store and told him to pick out what he wanted. These were actually his second choice, the ones he really wanted were pink and sparkly. I was fully prepared to buy them for him, but they were out of his size. I think these are an awesome choice, who wouldn't love sparkly shoes?

We went to Philadelphia to celebrate New Years with my in laws and nephew (who is six months younger than Malone). The weather was unseasonably warm and we enjoyed tons of park time.
This picture cracks me up. Malone swings sideways and shows us his (unintentional) bird.
During a nap time drive around Valley Forge I came across this grouping of deer. There were many more than what is in the photo.
I also went over this covered bridge. Down the road and to the left is definitely where the 1% live. The homes are expansive and beautiful!
On a different nap time drive through Valley Forge I got out for a second and captured these cabins near Washington's Headquarters.
I love this picture! This was a huge cargo plan landing at Newark as we drove by on our way home from PA.
I took Malone to the shoe store and told him to pick out what he wanted. These were actually his second choice, the ones he really wanted were pink and sparkly. I was fully prepared to buy them for him, but they were out of his size. I think these are an awesome choice, who wouldn't love sparkly shoes?
We went to Philadelphia to celebrate New Years with my in laws and nephew (who is six months younger than Malone). The weather was unseasonably warm and we enjoyed tons of park time.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
An open letter to a new mother.
Dear new mother,
By the time you read this you will have been home for a few days. You have survived the flurry of visitors at the hospital, the endless calls of congratulations, and are learning all about the new awesome little person who is now a part of your family. You are prepared. You've done your homework. Maybe you've even attended a parenting class or two.
The reason I write this letter is because I had a post birth experience that I wasn't prepared for. In my early mothering days I felt waves of emotion I have never felt before. They were extreme. The highs were overflowing with love, excitement, and inspiration. But the lows were incapacitating and full of fear, depression, worry, and guilt. I was irrational. I had intrusive thoughts about really scary things.
Luckily, because I was well versed in the warning signs of postpartum depression thanks to a wonderful support group I was attending I was able to seek the help I need. I called my midwife and made an appointment to come in and chat. I went and we developed a game plan.
I write this to you today because I want you to know that postpartum depression is real. It is common. It is normal. And it is okay to ask for what you need.
2.5 years after giving birth I can tell you that I still don't feel like my "normal" self. I've actually given up trying to find that person. However, I'm a new version of normal that is steady, strong, and happy.
You will find your path and your own rhythm as you grow into motherhood. You are your own best advocate.
Your friend who will always be here to watch your baby so you can eat, sleep, or pee in peace.
I'm linking this up with Shell over at Things I Can't Say.
By the time you read this you will have been home for a few days. You have survived the flurry of visitors at the hospital, the endless calls of congratulations, and are learning all about the new awesome little person who is now a part of your family. You are prepared. You've done your homework. Maybe you've even attended a parenting class or two.
The reason I write this letter is because I had a post birth experience that I wasn't prepared for. In my early mothering days I felt waves of emotion I have never felt before. They were extreme. The highs were overflowing with love, excitement, and inspiration. But the lows were incapacitating and full of fear, depression, worry, and guilt. I was irrational. I had intrusive thoughts about really scary things.
Luckily, because I was well versed in the warning signs of postpartum depression thanks to a wonderful support group I was attending I was able to seek the help I need. I called my midwife and made an appointment to come in and chat. I went and we developed a game plan.
I write this to you today because I want you to know that postpartum depression is real. It is common. It is normal. And it is okay to ask for what you need.
2.5 years after giving birth I can tell you that I still don't feel like my "normal" self. I've actually given up trying to find that person. However, I'm a new version of normal that is steady, strong, and happy.
You will find your path and your own rhythm as you grow into motherhood. You are your own best advocate.
Your friend who will always be here to watch your baby so you can eat, sleep, or pee in peace.
I'm linking this up with Shell over at Things I Can't Say.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Blank Slate.
2011's goals were not met, by A LONG SHOT.
In fact, I'd call every one of them (and there were 11) a big fat fail. They mostly failed for good reason, I set my goals TOO HIGH.
I've only made one goal this year, to be better at following through. In my work life and mothering life, I am great at following through. If I wasn't, I'd be unemployed and Malone would be well on his way to bratty-kid-dom. I mean what I say, and I do what I mean.
But with other areas of my life, I have not been shining in this area.
I have a pile of library books that were due in August sitting at door just waiting to be returned. A friend had a baby, I offered a meal, and then never followed up. I have a pile of thank you card to writes. I let an opportunity to give this blog a bit more exposure slip through my fingers. This list could go on and on and on.
There are other things that I'd like to happen in 2012. I guess I'll call them wishes instead of goals.
1. To have Malone diaper free during the day by this 3rd birthday. He's staying dry most days now, so this is well within reach.
2. To craft more.
3. To purchase a DSLR camera. I've almost got all of the money saved for this. It is SO HARD to pull the trigger.
4. To treat my body better- to be more mindful of the things I eat, to get more sleep, and to be more active.
5. To go on an overnight date with my husband.
2012 will be a great year.
I'm linking this with Mama Kat and her pretty much fabulous writing workshop.
In fact, I'd call every one of them (and there were 11) a big fat fail. They mostly failed for good reason, I set my goals TOO HIGH.
I've only made one goal this year, to be better at following through. In my work life and mothering life, I am great at following through. If I wasn't, I'd be unemployed and Malone would be well on his way to bratty-kid-dom. I mean what I say, and I do what I mean.
But with other areas of my life, I have not been shining in this area.
I have a pile of library books that were due in August sitting at door just waiting to be returned. A friend had a baby, I offered a meal, and then never followed up. I have a pile of thank you card to writes. I let an opportunity to give this blog a bit more exposure slip through my fingers. This list could go on and on and on.
There are other things that I'd like to happen in 2012. I guess I'll call them wishes instead of goals.
1. To have Malone diaper free during the day by this 3rd birthday. He's staying dry most days now, so this is well within reach.
2. To craft more.
3. To purchase a DSLR camera. I've almost got all of the money saved for this. It is SO HARD to pull the trigger.
4. To treat my body better- to be more mindful of the things I eat, to get more sleep, and to be more active.
5. To go on an overnight date with my husband.
2012 will be a great year.
I'm linking this with Mama Kat and her pretty much fabulous writing workshop.
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