I used to see the weekend as a time to play catch up on the things that were neglected all week around the house. This past Saturday however, I took a look around. There wasn't a space in my house I could go where my eyes didn't immediately dart to areas to clean and spaces to declutter. I felt cagey and anxious. I was snippy with my husband and stressed out.
Something needed to change ASAP.
I spent the rest of the weekend taking time to write down every single chore/housework task that needs to happen on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I wrote down projects that need to be completed. I made a list of things to put on Craigslist. I finally took the time to make a budget that balances to zero each month. I made a meal plan for the week.
When I had all of the data right in front of me, I was shocked to see how much there is to really do.
I want to do this for me, so that I won't be a crazy stressed out basket-case. But even more than that, Malone deserves to live in a clean and well organized space. Mike deserves a peaceful environment.
I'm trying really hard to make sure all of the daily tasks as well as a few of the weekly ones are accomplished each day. I'm keeping the laundry moving. Mike is pitching in too.
I'm finding I still need an hour or so more than what I currently have and working to find it. I will find it.
But for now, I am enjoying being underwhelmed by it all.