Without further ado, here is today's Saturday Behind The Picture.
We are at the Boston Children's Museum in their 3 and under room. Even though it is a bit of a drive from our house (an hour and a half), we've been coming at least once a week for the last few weeks. It is early August and hot. The museum and car ride have air conditioning, our house doesn't. The travel to and from the museum is perfect. I catch a car nap on both ways.
Every time.
Without fail.
Malone is about 14 months, give or take. We spend most of our time today in the 3 and under room. We are in the gated off area designated for crawlers. Malone is walking, but there are no crawlers using the space right now. And when there are we either leave or ask if they mind if we stay.
They never seem to mind.
This window is where we spend most of our time today. Malone has recently discovered the joy of pointing and it seems like he is always pointing at something. Today he is very interested in the people strolling along the river or dining al fresco. Every one in awhile, a boat comes by. That seems to be what pleases him most of all.
You can't really see his outfit well, but it is a green and white striped one piece shortie outfit from Baby Gap. I purchased it on super clearance the summer he was born, taking a risk on that the size would work out. The size is 12-18 months. My long and lean child has plenty of room in this, despite having on a cloth diaper.
I have set the ball rolling at work and they are looking for a full time position for me to return to, after being a SHAM and working part time.
I'm already mourning the loss of this kind of day. The one where I wake up and decide to take Malone to the museum.
Just because we can.