Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Bucket List

Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind.We've already had a heat streak with temps in the upper 80's but now it is cold again with a lot of wind. I am afraid that April showers might actually be April snowstorms.

In any case, Spring is here, or at least that is what my calendar says. So, I've decided to make a bucket list of things to do this spring. I wonder how many I'll be able to check off my list.

Spring 2012 Bucket List.

Family Goals
  1.  Renew our seasonal park passes. We usually get a State Park pass as well as a pass to a nearby park that has mini golf, two great playgrounds, a splash pad, a train, bumper boats, and lots of tables to picnic at.
  2.  Take Malone on a hike. I am not a hiker so this will be out of my comfort zone a bit. However, Mike loves to hike. Also, I am afraid of ticks which are everywhere out here.
  3. Go on at least four outings/play dates with another family.
  4. Attend church on a regular basis as  family.
Marriage Goals
  1. Have a monthly date with my husband.
  2. Start taking my friends up on their babysitting swap offers. 
  3. Plan an overnight date with my husband. 
Me Goals
  1. Complete the Couch to 5k running plan.
  2.  Run a 5k
  3. Blog more three times a week. 
  4. Become more intentional with my spare time.
  5. Complete 3 craft projects. 
  6. Buy a sewing machine.
  7. Learn how to use my new camera.
  8. Deliver more meals to those new mamas, those in crisis or sick, or those who just would enjoy a night of not having to cook.
Family Travel Goals 
  1. Take a day trip to Boston.
  2. Take a day trip to NYC. 
  3. Plan our summer beach trips to the Cape. 
  4. Plan our next visit back to my hometown in Illinois.
Home Goals
  1.  Start a compost bin. We don't have a yard or garden to use for compost but recently I learned I can take compost to Whole Foods.
  2. Research and purchase biodegradable trash bags.
  3. Get smarter about meal planning. Freeze more meals.
  4. Cull through the clutter. 
  5.  Have a tag sale.
  6. Create a household binder. 
  7.  Decorate the Master Bedroom.
Misc. Goals
  1. Start planning Malone's 3rd birthday party.
  2. Start a savings plan to get Mike's fancy road bike he's been dreaming about.
  3. Get Malone fully comfortable using the potty 100% of the time during the day (we're so close).