I am excited.... Today a plan was put this blog in motion in a big way. Exciting things to come!
I am tired.... Working in the insurance industry, post natural disaster lends to longer days into nights. It will get longer before it gets better.
I am nervous... Over something silly. But still... nervous.
I am celebrating.... One of Malone's little friends is hitting milestones in a big way. Exciting times lay ahead for him. Hearing the news from his Mama brought tears to my eyes.
I am purging.... Fall means consignment sale season. Letting go of things is hard, but I am much more happier when they leave.
I am chasing... A new friend. A friend of a friend really in fact. Twice now we've ran into each other in passing, but only had time to wave across the way or shout hello.
I am marveling... Malone's vocabulary and personality are blooming. He is turning into a funny little one.
I am supported... My husband has been a rock star lately at picking up where I am unable. The extra effort has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
I am missing... My Mama friends and I haven't had a chance to get together lately. The stars haven't aligned for a post bedtime rendezvous since early in the month. I need to see them like I need air to breath. This needs to happen soon.
I am worried.... Hurricane Irene did quite the number on the communities to the west and north. I wonder, will the people ever be okay? Will the landscape ever be what it was? I want to help in a meaningful way. But I'm just not quite sure what that is.
1 am busy... Harvest is almost at its peak. This is the first summer I've attempted to put anything away for the long winter months. I don't have a lot of space, but I'm making the most of what I've got.
I am unmotivated... The house needs a deep cleaning as we transition to fall. I can think of 11 million things I'd rather to first. But I'll make a to do list and start chipping away. If work continues to take up the hours it has this week, I'll consider hiring a cleaning lady/man.
I am juggling... Love, Home, Life, Motherhood, Friendship, Work.