Things here are messy.
How we got here, I don't know. Actually, I do know. Increased hours at work for me = less of me to go around. I've been focusing on parenting Malone and connecting with my husband. Together, we've managed to keep up on the laundry, the dishes, and putting food on the table.
I think we've done an excellent job given the circumstances.
Our "mess" is part of a larger problem. We have too many things and everywhere you look the clutter is creeping. It is time to purge and pass things on to others who can use it.
I've got several questions currently running through my head as I prepare for The Great Purge Of 2011.
Maybe you can help me answer them.
What should a toddler's (who goes to daycare) wardrobe look like? I love clothes and dressing Malone. I am the queen of the second hand store and his fall wardrobe is huge. I need to prune it.
I have a whole pile of novels to read. Some of these were purchased from my pre-Malone days. Should I keep a few and pass on the rest? At the rate I'm going, they are all not getting read anytime soon.
How many pairs of shoes does a full time work at home mom need?
Stay tuned for the answers as I work through this. And, if you have any tips or suggestions on decluttering, PLEASE leave them in the comments.